Internet Download Manager (IDM) adalah alat untuk meningkatkan kecepatan download sampai 5 kali, melanjutkan dan jadwal mingguan. Comprehensive error recovery and resume capability will restart broken or interrupted downloads due to lost connections, network problems, computer shutdowns, or unexpected power outages.
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Smadav 8.4 Pro - SN+Keygen
Smadav 2011 terbaru dan gratis telah disediakan untuk pengguna antivirus Smadav. Download update Smadav 8.4 (update 23 Januari 2011) kali ini telah dilengkapi dengan berbagai kemampuan yang semakin canggih untuk menghalau berbagai virus lokal yang akan
Acient Tripeaks
You can be a novice or an expert, you'll still be able to find your way to make history in this take on the old solitaire favorite, tripeaks. Clear away layers of cards as you experience the passing of eons. With eight different games to choose from, this stunning game has something for everyone.
Big Kahuna Reef
Big Kahuna Reef mengambil olok Jewel Quest ke tingkat yang baru dengan tema terumbu Hawaii besar! Match 3 or more of the same underwater shapes to fill in the spaces they occupy. Match 3 atau lebih dari bentuk bawah air yang sama untuk mengisi
sobat blogger saya share game ATLANTIS , game ini kaya game zuma cuman menembak bola dengan warna yg sama misal nya bola warna kuning di tembak lagi dengan warna kuning, trus bola warna merah di tembak dengan warna merah, seperti game nya namun yg membedakan nya adalah tempatnya dan tingkat kesulitan nya....
Beach Head
Tempat berpijak 2002 berikut pada keberhasilan BH2000 dengan kemudahan penggunaan dan hard-core, 3D non-stop aksi penembakan di lingkungan fotorealistik dan akurat. Players will be assigned to an inland defense perimeter, protecting a command post to repel an expected airborne assault.
Boogle Supreme
Dalam Boggle Agung hanya menggoyang kubus berhuruf, menjatuhkan mereka ke dalam grid dan memulai timer. Then race to see who can list the most words - with the highest point value - among the random letter assortment in the grid! Kemudian perlombaan untuk melihat siapa yang dapat daftar kata yang paling - dengan nilai titik tertinggi - di....
Lex yang kutu buku feed pada kata-kata. Feed him by linking letters to form words and he'll feed you big points! Memberinya makan dengan menghubungkan huruf untuk membentuk kata-kata dan dia akan memberi makan Anda poin besar! Take as long as
Aloha Tripeak
Take a balloon ride over the Hawaiian Islands in Aloha TriPeaks. Tenang dan menemukan semuanya tanpa meninggalkan kenyamanan rumah Anda. Relax and discover it all without leaving the comfort of your home. Download & Play Aloha Tripeaks hari ini. Download & Play Aloha Tripeaks today.
Adventure Inlay Safari
nah sobat blogger kali ini saya share game kembali yaitu Adventure Inlay Safarri, memasangkan pecahan-pecahan yg telah disediakan trus kita susun pada pola yg telah di sediakan jadi kita hanya menyusun tetapi menyusunnya tidak sembarangan kadang pecahan-pecahan nya tidak ada dengan pola nya jdi kita harus mempersiapkan taktik yg bagus agar semua pecahan bisa masuk ke pola nya ....
Turtle Odissey
Minggu ini saya fokus kan ke games. nah kali ini saya share game TURTLE ODISSEY, yaitu petualangan di bawah laut yang tokoh utama dari games ini adalah kura-kura. Poko nya keren deh...
mengumpulkan gold atau kepingan bulat yg berwarna kuning keemasan dan mengumpulkan berlian yg ada di bawah laut ,,,
mengumpulkan gold atau kepingan bulat yg berwarna kuning keemasan dan mengumpulkan berlian yg ada di bawah laut ,,,
Style Xp Female
How sleek is your desktop? Style XP unleashes the full potential of your Windows XP desktop by allowing you to download and install XP themes. Themes are available for free from ThemeXP and won't slow your computer down while you work or play.
Style XP is not a skinning engine. It uses Microsoft's built-in visual style
Style XP is not a skinning engine. It uses Microsoft's built-in visual style
cFosSpeed v4.51.1483
Sekarang Anda dapat men-download lebih dari yang Anda bisa tanpa Rapidshare Premium Account! This really DOES WORK! Ini benar-benar TIDAK BEKERJA! All you need is dynamic IP address! Yang Anda butuhkan adalah alamat IP dinamis! I have tested this myself and it works!! Saya telah menguji ini sendiri dan berhasil!
Note: Please don't tell me this doesn't work if you have a static IP, for those
Note: Please don't tell me this doesn't work if you have a static IP, for those
WGA Plugin
sobat blogger kali ini saya share program yaitu program WGA PLUGIN...
langsung ajJ ok klik Di bwah yg bertulisan "here"
langsung ajJ ok klik Di bwah yg bertulisan "here"
Lagu Sunda.Mp3
sobat blogger yg penggemar lagu" daerah khususnya lagu sunda dari jawa barat, tetapi saya bukan share pop sunda melainkan lgu lingsir wengi dan kidung gajah putih. Kidung gajah putih yaitu lagu buat pencak silat yg didalamnya suara tarompet, kendang dan goong....
Anates Versi 4
sobat blogger yg sedang menganalisa soal empp sulit bangetkan kalo menganalisa dengan cara manual yg pastinya sulit dan lama hhe.. namun saya share program ANATES yaitu sebuah program untuk menganalisa validitas soal.
Mp3 Jaipongan
nah sobat blogger sya share lagu jaipongan di antaranya gupay anjeun yaitu kacapian, hiji catetan, lilis karlina sinden jaipong, mahoni, bayu", bajidor kahot, kembang gadung, banondari naek ulah ceurik, daun pulus keser bojong ...
Kemarin saya share Mp3 lagu pop sunda kali ini saya share Mp3 Jaipong ...
Kemarin saya share Mp3 lagu pop sunda kali ini saya share Mp3 Jaipong ...
Emulator PS1
nih saya share emulator nya kan kemarin kemarin sya share game nya.
emulator adalah program untuk menjalankan game ps1 di komputer anda. tapi ada juga emulator untk ps2 tapi emulator ps2 lebih membutuhkan kekuatan komputer yang besar, kalo tidak yah gambar nya jelek hhe.
emulator adalah program untuk menjalankan game ps1 di komputer anda. tapi ada juga emulator untk ps2 tapi emulator ps2 lebih membutuhkan kekuatan komputer yang besar, kalo tidak yah gambar nya jelek hhe.
Pop Sunda Mp3
kali ini saya share Mp3.tapi kali ini saya share bukan lagu yg biasa akan tetapi saya share lagu sunda. kesukaan saya hhe. di antarnya kabogoh jauh, kacang asin, budak jalanan, dina amparan sajaddah, darso ayun ambing. nanti saya share kembali lagu" sunda nya ok
Artisteer 25031067Full
Bagi sobat blogger, kali ini saya share program Artisteer pasti sobat blogger tahu. kita langsung aja
Artisteer merupakan sebuah software yang berguna untuk mendisign tampilan sebuah website blog seperti wordpress, joonla, drupa dan tentunya blogger dengan mudah. Dengan bantuan tool Artisteer ini,
Artisteer merupakan sebuah software yang berguna untuk mendisign tampilan sebuah website blog seperti wordpress, joonla, drupa dan tentunya blogger dengan mudah. Dengan bantuan tool Artisteer ini,
Automatic Wallpaper Changer 3.0.7
Automatic Wallpaper Changer 3.0.7 yaitu program pengganti wallpaper desktop. sobat blogger bisa mengganti wallpaper desktop sobat blogger tanpa harus repot" mencari wallpaper nya, dengan menggunakan Automatic Wallpaper Changer 3.0.7
membaca al-qur'an biasanya kan kalo kita sedang ada kegiatan islami dan bagaimana kalo kita tidak sempat untuk membuka al-qur'an maka saya share program pembaca al-qur'an jdi sobat blogger kalo sedang menunggu upload an sobat blogger bisa sambil membaca al-qur'an di komputer atau di laptop sobat blogger jadi amal kita bertambah kan hhe ...
Photobie 4.4
huy sobat blogger yg suka edit-edit poto sobat blogger tidak salah nya sobat blogger mencoba program ini yaitu PHOTOBIE 4.4. program ini katanya sih saingan nya adobe photosop. kalo sobat blogger pengen tau gmana sih photobie itu lihat ajja screenshot nya di bawah ...
nih saya share program buat pengeditan poto, buat yang suka berdandan ga usah ribet berdandan tinggal gunakan program ini anda bisa make up poto anda sendiri sesuka hati. program ini khusus buat sobat blogger yg nggak pasang internet knapa karena
nah sobat blogger hari ini saya share program pengedit photo yaitu PHOTOSCAPE jadi photo" kita pengen di masukan dalam satu bingkai, misal nya buat photo sobat blogger dan pacar nya hhe .. sobat blogger bisa gabungiin dalam satu bingkai dan sobat blogger juga bisa menambahkan animasi, tek sesuai keinginan sobat blogger
Aplikasi (sis/jar)
Aplikasi JAR : (game, anvir, media player, tema, dll). untuk Hp nokia 3230, 3660, 3680, 6600, 6680, 7610, N-Gage, N70, 5310, 5300, dan Sony Ericsson.
Download dan extract, transfer file hasil extract tadi ke Hp kamu, selanjutnya tinggal klik / instal.
jadi dah... ...
Download dan extract, transfer file hasil extract tadi ke Hp kamu, selanjutnya tinggal klik / instal.
jadi dah... ...
Aplikasi Nokia
(game, anvir, media player, dll) untuk Hp nokia 3230, 3660, 3680, 6600, 6680, 7610, N-Gage, N70, dll.
Download dan extract file yang kami berikan, copy_paste di folder system_App yang ada di handphone kamu. kamu bisa langsung menjalankan program yang telah kami berikan tanpa harus melakukan instalasi terlebih dahulu.
langsung download aja yach . . .
Download dan extract file yang kami berikan, copy_paste di folder system_App yang ada di handphone kamu. kamu bisa langsung menjalankan program yang telah kami berikan tanpa harus melakukan instalasi terlebih dahulu.
langsung download aja yach . . .
Nero 9 CRACK
buat sobat blogger yg memiliki proggram NERO 9 dan blum di registrasi cobain dulu nih crack NERO 9, kalo sudah mendownload kita copykan ke C program Files dan folder NERO 9 pastekan crack ini di dalam foldernya. Setelah di pastekan buka kembali program Nero 9 pasti kata registrasy atau buy now akan hilang
Microsoft Office 2007 CRACK
buat sobat blogger yg mendownload Microsoft Office 2007 dari internet kan biasanya admin web nya hanya meng upload installer nya dikarnakan ukuran memory nya besar dan keygen atau crack nya tidak di upload jadi sobat blogger harus mencarinya kan hhe download ajja keygen Microsoft Office 2007 di art-xp ....
Internet Download Manager 5.18 CRACK
sobat blogger yg mempunya program Internet Download Manager 5.18 tetapi program nya blum di register hhe kan programnya akan hilang selama 15 hari kalo nggak salah namun kalo kita menggunakan Internet Download Manager 5.18 CRACK program kita akan work atau bekerja selamanya...
One Piece - Mansion [U] [SLUS-01406]
huy sobat blogger yg penggemar game PS1 yaitu One piece download nih game nya game ini di bagi menjadi 5 bagian jadi sobat blogger harus mendownload ke 5 nya agar bisa bekerja game nya ... memang sih agak lama mendownload nya karena satu bagian memiliki memory 40 MB jdi 40 X 4 = 160 MB dan 160 + 20 = 180 MB hhe
Point Blank 3 for ps1 part 1, 2

Part 1
Size : 40 MB
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Part 2
Size : 21 MB
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WWF Smackdown! 2 - Know Your Role [U] [SLUS-01234] part 01
bagi penggemar game smack down saya share ni gratis. emang sih grafik game ps1 dengan ps 2 jauh beda tapi permainannya sama ko.
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Digimon Word 1
bagi para penggemar ps 1 saya share game nya
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Super Mp3 Download 3,2
MP3 Download super mudah untuk menggunakan perangkat lunak yang memungkinkan Anda men-download lebih dari 100 juta MP3 dari jaringan yang cepat dan gratis download terbesar, tidak terbatas mendengarkan musik online sebelum Anda men-download ...
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Free Download Manager 3.0
This freeware, open-source application presents a new version with some minor bugs fixed and new features that really enhance its performance. Free Download Manager will let you have full control over your downloads, accelerating download speed to squeeze your bandwidth.
FDM works dividing files into several segments and downloading all of them at the same time, reducing significantly download time while taking the most of your internet connection. With FDM you will be able to download files from HTTP, HTTPS and FTP, now with the additional support for BitTorrent protocols. FDM includes a scheduler that will let you set the time for specific downloads to start, with the possibility to shut down the computer when a download is complete, and resuming broken downloads. It integrates with your antivirus program to analyze downloaded files and warn you in case they contain malicious code.
New features include: HTML Spider, allowing users to download complete websites or specific files from them, and the possibility of creating a portable version of FDM to easily use it in other computers or to take it in a memory stick, avoiding installation and enjoying its full functionality.
On the other hand, you can download flash videos from the most popular video-streaming sites, and save them in their original format or converting them into AVI, MPEG 4, WMV, etc. with FDM's built-in media converter. Once download is complete, you can organize your files in the most convenient way, in folders according to file types, names, and other criteria within its simple and intuitive interface.
Free Download Manager is one of the most complete applications to manage your downloads, probably the best among the free ones, and definitely an indispensable tool.
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FDM works dividing files into several segments and downloading all of them at the same time, reducing significantly download time while taking the most of your internet connection. With FDM you will be able to download files from HTTP, HTTPS and FTP, now with the additional support for BitTorrent protocols. FDM includes a scheduler that will let you set the time for specific downloads to start, with the possibility to shut down the computer when a download is complete, and resuming broken downloads. It integrates with your antivirus program to analyze downloaded files and warn you in case they contain malicious code.
New features include: HTML Spider, allowing users to download complete websites or specific files from them, and the possibility of creating a portable version of FDM to easily use it in other computers or to take it in a memory stick, avoiding installation and enjoying its full functionality.
On the other hand, you can download flash videos from the most popular video-streaming sites, and save them in their original format or converting them into AVI, MPEG 4, WMV, etc. with FDM's built-in media converter. Once download is complete, you can organize your files in the most convenient way, in folders according to file types, names, and other criteria within its simple and intuitive interface.
Free Download Manager is one of the most complete applications to manage your downloads, probably the best among the free ones, and definitely an indispensable tool.
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FlashLynx Video Download Software 1.0
no image.
FlashLynx merupakan downloader video dan pemutar. It works with three video sharing websites: YouTube, Myspace, and Ia bekerja dengan tiga sharing website video: YouTube, Myspace, dan When you first start the app, you will see a list of video categories ... Ketika Anda pertama kali menjalankan aplikasi, Anda akan melihat daftar kategori video
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FlashLynx merupakan downloader video dan pemutar. It works with three video sharing websites: YouTube, Myspace, and Ia bekerja dengan tiga sharing website video: YouTube, Myspace, dan When you first start the app, you will see a list of video categories ... Ketika Anda pertama kali menjalankan aplikasi, Anda akan melihat daftar kategori video
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FireTorrent offers truly native integrated support for BitTorrent into Firefox and Wyzo with competitive torrent download speeds. FireTorrent integrates seamlessly into your downloads window, making downloading torrents with Bit Torrent really easy!
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Photolooks 1.1.1 for adobe photosop
Hari ini saya mau share aplikasi untuk mempercantik tampilan photo dengan berbagai macam efek. Kalau sudah di instal, Aplikasi ini terintegrasi dengan Adobe Photoshop, jadi lebih enak aja untuk digunakan.
Magic Bullet PhotoLooks 1.1.1 For Adobe Photoshop merupakan aplikasi yang berfungsi untuk mempercantik tampilan photo-photo sobat blogger dengan berbagai macam efek yang sudah di sediakan. Seperti yang sudah saya katakan tadi, jika sudah di instal, PhotoLooks 1.1.1 dapat sobat blogger temukan di dalam photoshop, atau lebih tepatnya di menu filter.
Magic Bullet PhotoLooks 1.1.1 ini sudah saya coba di adobe photoshop CS 5, dan hasilnya berjalan dengan baik.
Download Here
Password :
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In addition to these specialized features you can create your own exclusive broadcasting system by connecting jetAudio to jetCast which is provided to you along with jetAudio.
jetAudio features visualization plug-ins, including Sound2Vision; tag editing for MP3, OGG, and WMA files; sound effects including wide, reverb, and x-bass; multichannel sound output; speed control of audio playback; crossfading for smooth transition between two songs; a skinnable user interface; and synchronized lyrics display (karaoke) for MIDI and MP3 files.
Main features of jetAudio 8 :
• Playback features for various Multimedia files :
jetAudio not only supports the popular audio files such as MP3, OGG and WMA but also visual files such as AVI, MOV, MPEG, Real Media, DVD VIDEO, etc.. jetAudio is also geared for access to future audio format, MP3 Pro.
jetAudio’s support files:
- WAV file
- Mpeg Audio File (MP1, MP2, MP3, MP3U)
- MAC Audio File (AIF, AIFF)
- Sun Audio File (Au, SND)
- Real AUDIO File (RA, RAM,RM, RMM etc)
- MIDI File (MID, RIM), IMS File (IMS)
- Tracker File
- APE File (Monkey’s Audio File Format)
• Single-component rack : Made into one simple rack by using new integrated GUI.
• Making Audio CD : Can make audio CD from various multimedia files.
• Convenient Conversion Feature : Can convert to most popular file modes from various media files.
• Playback feature for digital audio : Can directly rip data from audio CD and can select various sound effect.
• Various Sound Effect : Variety of Sound Effect Features is available.
• Subtitles : Can provide subtitles as SMI. Can adjust location, and time, and size of subtitle. Can select a specific channel when video CD is on. This feature is compatible with Karaoke.
• Embedded jetMidi : Built-in Software Wave Table Midi Engine.
• Skin Support : Can have any kind of skin according to your choice.
Changes in jetAudio 8.0.11 :
- Support COWON D3 for video conversion
- Update OGG vorbis engine to latest version
- Fixed crash while capturing video when using EVR
- Fixed video problem when converting to MKV/MP4 format
- Fixed aspect ratio for some video files
- Fixed other minor bugs
jetAudio features visualization plug-ins, including Sound2Vision; tag editing for MP3, OGG, and WMA files; sound effects including wide, reverb, and x-bass; multichannel sound output; speed control of audio playback; crossfading for smooth transition between two songs; a skinnable user interface; and synchronized lyrics display (karaoke) for MIDI and MP3 files.
Main features of jetAudio 8 :
• Playback features for various Multimedia files :
jetAudio not only supports the popular audio files such as MP3, OGG and WMA but also visual files such as AVI, MOV, MPEG, Real Media, DVD VIDEO, etc.. jetAudio is also geared for access to future audio format, MP3 Pro.
jetAudio’s support files:
- WAV file
- Mpeg Audio File (MP1, MP2, MP3, MP3U)
- MAC Audio File (AIF, AIFF)
- Sun Audio File (Au, SND)
- Real AUDIO File (RA, RAM,RM, RMM etc)
- MIDI File (MID, RIM), IMS File (IMS)
- Tracker File
- APE File (Monkey’s Audio File Format)
• Single-component rack : Made into one simple rack by using new integrated GUI.
• Making Audio CD : Can make audio CD from various multimedia files.
• Convenient Conversion Feature : Can convert to most popular file modes from various media files.
• Playback feature for digital audio : Can directly rip data from audio CD and can select various sound effect.
• Various Sound Effect : Variety of Sound Effect Features is available.
• Subtitles : Can provide subtitles as SMI. Can adjust location, and time, and size of subtitle. Can select a specific channel when video CD is on. This feature is compatible with Karaoke.
• Embedded jetMidi : Built-in Software Wave Table Midi Engine.
• Skin Support : Can have any kind of skin according to your choice.
Changes in jetAudio 8.0.11 :
- Support COWON D3 for video conversion
- Update OGG vorbis engine to latest version
- Fixed crash while capturing video when using EVR
- Fixed video problem when converting to MKV/MP4 format
- Fixed aspect ratio for some video files
- Fixed other minor bugs
• Related downloads:
- Get the most beautiful jetAudio Skins from here.
- foobar2000: is an advanced audio player with minimalistic interface and low memory use, able to play a large number of formats.
- Winamp 5 Full and LITE: is a fast, flexible, high-fidelity music player for Windows.
- Quintessential Media Player (QCD): offers the most complete and convenient platform to experience, discover, explore, and personalize audio content on your PC.
- SPOTxde Player: allows the playback of MMS messages originated from mobile phones or PC, sound clips in the AMR format...
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Winamp 5
Program Pemutar Musik
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Window Media Player
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Google Chrome
While keeping the same minimalist design we all have grown to love, Google Chrome has evolved a lot in functionality with its latest version and definitely deserves its position as a web browser to reckon with.
Chrome 6 is the latest addition to Google Chrome’s stable, after some months of beta testing. Besides the features we already knew from previous versions, such as the download manager, support for extensions and incognito browsing mode, the browser has included great new functions based on user feedback.
To begin with, the syncing feature in Google Chrome is more powerful than ever. Now you can synchronize not only bookmarks across different computers, but also browser preferences – including homepage, web content settings and themes.
The download manager and extension manager in Google Chrome have also been improved. The first one features an interface overhaul powered by HTML5, while the last one now lets you enable each extension to work in incognito mode. Speaking of HTML5, Google Chrome also includes new functionality based on the technology, like support for geolocation APIs and file drag-and-drop. This means that you'll be able to find your location on Google Maps or drag-and-drop attached files onto Gmail messages, for example.
Google Chrome maintains the same impressive usability and ease of use. With zero learning curve, you immediately feel in your element and there's no need to start testing new shortcuts or reading the documentation. So if you're considering making the switch from old favorites like Firefox or Internet Explorer, Google Chrome is definitely an excellent choice for a new web browser.
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GOM Player
OM Player is an excellent multimedia player, specialized in audio contents. With this program you will be able to enjoy all your music library, as well as a widediversity of videos, with the highest quality and sensational results.
GOM Player supports a wide number of formats, among which you can find AVI, ASF, WMV, MPG, VOB, MP4, 3GP, RMVB, OGG, H.263, among many others.
Also, it has multiple options and functions that make this application one of the best in its genre. Among them, it is necessary to emphasize the possibility of reproducing corrupt videos, of fitting the different bands of sound equalization, of applying audio effects, of taking and of saving scenes, of controlling the level of saturation, brightness and color of the scenes and much more.
If you want to enjoy your songs and movies in an amazing quality, downloadGOM Player.
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Mozilla Firefox
The award-winning Web browser from Mozilla is better than ever. Faster, safer, and easy to use, Firefox delivers a better Web experience.
Enjoy a better Web experience with improved tabbed browsing, spell checking, search suggestions, session restore, Web feeds (RSS), live titles, integrated search, live bookmarks, pop-up blocking, and more. Firefox delivers helpful new features to make your online experience more productive.
Stay secure on the Web with phishing protection, automated updates, and protection from spyware. Firefox continues to lead the way in online security, and now includes active protection from online scams to keep you safer.
Personalize your browser with extensions and themes. Choose from over a thousand useful add-ons that enhance Firefox. It's easy to personalize Firefox to make it your own.
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Smadav 2010
Smadav 2010 Rev. 8 dirilis dengan berbagai fitur dan penyempurnaan baru yang dikhususkan untuk pemberantasan virus lokal. Fitur-fitur itu seperti Smad-Behavior yang bisa mengenali virus lokal baru yang belum ada di database Smadav dari tingkah lakunya ketika menginfeksi sistem. Smad-Ray yang bisa melakukan scan flashdisk secara otomatis setelah terpasang hanya dalam waktu maksimum 5 detik. Smadav 2010 lebih stabil dan sangat disarankan untuk digabungkan dengan antivirus internasional karena Smadav hanya bisa menangani virus lokal. Pengebalan flashdisk (menggunakan folder autorun.inf) telah disempurnakan lagi dan sebelumnya akan ada konfirmasi sehingga Anda bisa memutuskan apakah suatu flashdisk ingin dikebalkan atau tidak.
Sebagai informasi, dari sampel-sampel virus yang di-upload pengguna ke situs, penyebaran virus lokal saat ini sudah mulai turun drastis di Indonesia. Mungkin ini dikarenakan sudah banyaknya antivirus lokal yang bisa membasmi virus-virus lokal. Dan juga karena pengguna Windows XP yang sudah berkurang karena sebagian sudah meng-upgrade sistem operasinya menjadi Windows Vista atau Windows 7 yang sangat aman dari infeksi virus khususnya virus lokal. Penyebaran virus di Indonesia lebih banyak didominasi oleh virus dan malware internasional yang tentunya tidak bisa diatasi Smadav. Anda wajib dan sangat disarankan menggunakan antivirus internasional untuk perlindungkan komputer Anda dari virus dan malware internasional ini.
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DX Web
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IDM 5.18 Build
klik 2x file IDMAN518,
ikuti instruksi yang ada hingga proses instal selesai.
Bila sudah, tutup program IDM nya (close/exit)
selanjutnya copy file PATCH_5XX_2008-12-06 lalu
paste di folder tempat anda menginstal IDM nya.
Misalnya : C:\\Program files\Internet Download Manager
kemudian klik 2X file patch tersebut hingga muncul tulisan patch sukses.
kini IDM anda sudah menjadi fullversions.
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Download here
ikuti instruksi yang ada hingga proses instal selesai.
Bila sudah, tutup program IDM nya (close/exit)
selanjutnya copy file PATCH_5XX_2008-12-06 lalu
paste di folder tempat anda menginstal IDM nya.
Misalnya : C:\\Program files\Internet Download Manager
kemudian klik 2X file patch tersebut hingga muncul tulisan patch sukses.
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Cheat Engine 5.5
Cheat Engine memudah kan untuk bermain game
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cheat uang
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Download Here
Cheat Engine memudah kan untuk bermain game
diantaranya :
cheat uang
cheat speed
Download Here
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